Important - All NHS services are under extreme pressure, and it is necessary for the clinical team to prioritise patients based on the most urgent medical need.
All calls and online consultations are triaged by a clinician, the clinical team offer a same day response where medically necessary.
We aim to review all medical enquiries within two working days and provide an appointment within a timeframe that is determined based on medical need,
this could be same day, within two weeks, or for routine health matters a future date.
Please consider visiting your local pharmacy for minor ailments, a walk-in centre or a Minor Injury Unit for items that do not require A&E,
or call 111 for general advice and guidance about the best place to go for your medical needs. Thank you.
A standard prescription is shown below, on which the important information listed in the grey box below has been ringed.
If you are taking regular medication you may be given a repeat prescription allowing you to order without seeing a doctor.
Repeat prescriptions must be ordered at least three working days (excluding Saturday) in advance if you are collecting your medication from the dispensary. Please note that requests after 4pm will not be processed until the following morning.
If you collect your medications from a pharmacy, please be aware that the three working days service does not apply.
Please note that once you reach your medication review date shown on the repeat prescription slip your medication will need to be reviewed by a doctor. This may mean that you need to make an appointment for a telephone review or may need to attend for an appointment if other tests are required, for example, a blood test.
You may not request medication that is not on your repeat prescription without seeing a doctor. You will be dispensed only the quantity of medication shown on your repeat prescription.
You can request a repeat prescription in one of the following ways:
Patients requiring a repeat prescription of their medication are encouraged to use the automatic dispensing system – we are able to dispense your medications for you each month and have them ready to collect without the need for you to place a monthly order. Please enquire at the dispensary.
*If you do not know your Patient Number please call the Practice.
The cost of a prescription is £9.90. You may be exempt, depending on your circumstances. You can buy a pre-payment certificate lasting 3 months for £32.05 or 1 year for £114.50.
Telephone order line and advice line 0300 330 1341 or apply on-line at